Reduce Cellulite With PelleFirm Skin Tightening in Fort Worth, TX

Laser skin tightening is an amazing new piece of technology that firms skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and decreases cellulite. If you have been battling cellulite your entire life, and you are desperate to reduce it, you may want to give the PelleFirm® skin tightening system a try. It is non-surgical and provides fast results with just a few treatments.

What Causes Cellulite?

Most women have cellulite, and no matter how fit and muscular you are, it is likely you have a small amount of cellulite somewhere in your body. Even though it is incredibly frustrating, it is normal. Normal does not make it easy to get rid of, however. Cellulite is fat underneath the skin that pushes through the fibrous connective tissue, creating a dimpled/lumpy appearance. There is no way to prevent cellulite. While diet and exercise will help reduce it, the next step is undergoing a cosmetic procedure.

How It Works

The laser device heats the skin to 45 degrees Celsius. Research has shown that this temperature changes the collagen in the skin and forces it to constrict, thus tightening the skin. It also stimulates new collagen to form. Some patients report a visible change right away, but the skin will firm over the next couple of weeks. The procedure itself feels like a warm massage. Afterward, your skin may feel warm, and it might even feel smoother. When you come home, you don’t need to do anything differently. You can get right back to your routine, including exercising because there is no recovery required.

To get the best results possible, you may need at least four treatments, but six treatments could give you the best results. You need multiple treatments because the laser is just weak enough to not damage the skin while still slowly changing the collagen. Improving the collagen in the skin will reduce the appearance of cellulite by filling in those dimples while tightening the skin and underlying connective tissues.

What Areas Can Be Treated with PelleFirm®?

PelleFirm® has been approved to treat all areas of the body, but the areas most commonly treated are the buttocks, arms, thighs, and abdomen.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There are virtually no side effects. If you have sensitive skin, you can probably expect to have some temporary redness in the treated areas.

​​​​​​​When you finally admit defeat in battling your cellulite, it is time to turn to PelleFirm®. This revolutionary technique will give you firmer, smoother skin in just a couple of treatments. Contact Skin Deep Laser MD today to schedule your consultation.

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